
Unveiling the Wonders of Medical Grade Facial Treatments

Many individuals are turning to medical-grade facial treatments in the quest for radiant, youthful skin. These advanced, scientifically-backed procedures offer more than your typical spa facial and can address various skin concerns, from aging to acne. This blog post explores what medical-grade facial treatments entail and why they could be a game-changer in your skincare regimen. 1. Understanding Medical Grade Facial Treatments Medical-grade facial treatments are administered under clinical conditions by trained professionals, including dermatologists and licensed aestheticians.

Perimenopause And How You OBGYN Can Help You To Manage Symptoms

How can your OBGYN help you to navigate perimenopause? This transitional time is filled with hormonal, emotional, menstrual, and other physical changes. If you're not sure if your symptoms are part of perimenopause or how to handle them, take a look at what you need to know about this change and how a gynecologist can help. What Is Perimenopause and What Are the Symptoms? Did you think that someday your periods would stop and just like that you would reach menopause?

Six Things You Shouldn't Assume About Gynecologist Appointments

Taking care of your gynecological health through routine appointments with your gynecologist is important. Patients need to be well informed about appointments with their gynecologist to stay healthy and make the right decisions about preventative screenings and treatments.  The following are six things that patients shouldn't assume when it comes to their gynecologist appointments.  You don't need an appointment if you know it's a yeast infection. Some women assume that they can call in a yeast infection and be given a treatment over the phone by their gynecologist.

Abnormal Bleeding: Definition And Common Treatment Options

Most women bleed differently. Some experience short, light periods, but the bleeding is more prolonged and heavier in others. However, normal menstrual bleeding generally lasts 3–8 days and comes every 21–35 days. Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to all age-appropriate females because of a condition known as abnormal uterine bleeding. Keep reading to learn more about this issue and the various effective solutions experts use to treat it.   What Is Abnormal Bleeding?

It's Worth Talking To Your OBGYN About Your Weight

If you're overweight — especially if you want to lose weight but have been struggling to do so — your list of professionals to talk to might include your primary care doctor, a dietitian, and a personal trainer. All of these professionals can certainly help you along your weight loss journey. However, there is another professional you should also consult: your OBGYN. This might sound strange at first, but keep reading.

Why It's Important For You To Get Involved With A Prenatal Care Program While You're Pregnant

If you are pregnant, then you should definitely think about signing up for a prenatal care program. This is something that your doctor should be able to recommend for you, or you can find out from your local health department or by searching online. If you're curious about why this is actually something that you should look into while you're pregnant, consider these reasons. Focus on Taking Care of Your Baby

How Can OB-GYN Doctors Treat Abnormal Bleeding?

Women of childbearing age typically menstruate once a month. However, some medical problems can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding. Abnormal bleeding is always a cause for concern and should be assessed by an OB-GYN doctor as soon as possible. Here are four things your OB-GYN doctor will do if you make an appointment due to abnormal bleeding: 1. Note the date of your last period. When you arrive at your gynecologist's office, a nurse will ask you the date of the beginning of your last period.

4 Reasons To See Your Gynecologist Once A Year

For most women, going to the gynecologist's office is far from the most enjoyable time. However, seeing your gynecologist at least once a year is recommended for most adult women. Aside from having an annual pelvic exam done, there are many other reasons to see your gynecologist annually. 1. Review Your Birth Control If you're sexually active and not currently trying to conceive, seeing your gynecologist is a great way to discuss birth control options.

3 Appearance Changes That Should Be Discussed With A Gynecologist

When it comes to women's health care, the gynecologist plays a big role. For many women, the gynecologist is the doctor that they see most often. Women turn to the gynecologist for their birth control needs, sexual health issues, pelvic pain concerns, pregnancies, and much more. For these reasons, women should consider bringing up any changes in their bodies during an exam even if they do not seem related to their reproductive health.

Menopausal Insomnia Got You Up All Night? 2 Tips That Will Help You Get To Sleep

The journey through menopause can seem never-ending, especially with all the uncomfortable symptoms that accompany it. One of the most bothersome symptoms might be insomnia. Hormone fluctuations associated with menopause can make it nearly impossible to get a good night's sleep. If you've tried everything you can think of to overcome menopausal insomnia, don't give up. Here are a couple of tips that will help you get the rest you need.