Talking about OBGYN Care Practices

3 Appearance Changes That Should Be Discussed With A Gynecologist

When it comes to women's health care, the gynecologist plays a big role. For many women, the gynecologist is the doctor that they see most often. Women turn to the gynecologist for their birth control needs, sexual health issues, pelvic pain concerns, pregnancies, and much more. For these reasons, women should consider bringing up any changes in their bodies during an exam even if they do not seem related to their reproductive health. There are many changes in a woman's appearance that can actually be linked to the reproductive system. Here are three changes that should be discussed with a gynecologist.


While many women hope to leave acne behind after their teenage years, for many this is not the case. Around 50 percent of adult women find themselves dealing with acne at some point. Hormones can play a big role in the development of acne. For this reason, any increase in acne should be mentioned to the gynecologist. It can be a sign of conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and other hormonal disorders. These hormonal changes can be treated by the gynecologist with hormonal contraceptives and other medications.  

Hair Changes

Hair loss can be the result of a variety of things including genetics, hormonal changes, and lifestyle. It's also something that happens to many women during pregnancy. Some hair loss is normal, especially as women begin to age. However, it can also be a symptom of various conditions which is why it should be discussed with a gynecologist. PCOS is sometimes the culprit for women's hair loss. Around 20 percent of women with this condition notice a loss of hair. Thyroid disorders and anemia may also be to blame. Hair growth in unwanted places, such as the face, should also be brought up during an appointment. PCOS is often to blame, but unwanted hair can also be caused by cancer, cushing syndrome, hyperthecosis, or other health issues.

Skin Changes

Many women believe that they only need to bring up skin changes at the gynecologist if they are only around the vagina and vulva. However, skin changes on other parts of the body can indicate that something is wrong. A rash on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet can occur 1 week to 3 months after contracting syphilis. White patches can occur anywhere on the body, may be lichen sclerosus. The most common part of the body affected is the vulva, but other body parts are often affected. This condition is usually harmless, but women with lichen sclerosus do have a 5 percent lifetime risk of developing vulvar cancer.

Changes in appearance are something that many women do not realize they should be discussing with their gynecologists. Acne, hair loss or excessive growth, and skin changes can all be linked to various gynecological health issues. Bringing these changes up to the gynecologist is essential for proper treatment.  
