4 Reasons To See Your Gynecologist Once A Year

For most women, going to the gynecologist's office is far from the most enjoyable time. However, seeing your gynecologist at least once a year is recommended for most adult women. Aside from having an annual pelvic exam done, there are many other reasons to see your gynecologist annually. 1. Review Your Birth Control If you're sexually active and not currently trying to conceive, seeing your gynecologist is a great way to discuss birth control options.

3 Appearance Changes That Should Be Discussed With A Gynecologist

When it comes to women's health care, the gynecologist plays a big role. For many women, the gynecologist is the doctor that they see most often. Women turn to the gynecologist for their birth control needs, sexual health issues, pelvic pain concerns, pregnancies, and much more. For these reasons, women should consider bringing up any changes in their bodies during an exam even if they do not seem related to their reproductive health.