Talking about OBGYN Care Practices

3 Reasons Why You Should Visit A Gynecologist

You should visit a gynecologist on a regular basis. A gynecologist, for example, can determine whether or not you are suffering from an STD, locate pregnancy complications, and determine signs of cancer. However, there might be some issues that provide you with an impetus to visit your trusted gynecologist on an ad hoc basis. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn of three specific reasons why you should visit a gynecologist.

Post Menopausal Bleeding

It is possible to experience bleeding after menopause, although it is not particularly common. It is also usually not a sign for alarm, although you should still visit your gynecologist to ensure that this is not the case. Hyperplasia, an issue that is associated with a benign polyp growth, is usually the cause of this issue. This is not set in stone, however. The fact of the matter is that post menopausal bleeding can also be a sign of a much more serious issue that should be addressed as soon as possible. Most notably, post menopausal bleeding is associated with cervical and uterine cancer.

Breast Lumps

You should be checking yourself on a very regular basis for breast lumps. Although it is recommended that you check yourself for lumps on a weekly basis at least, you should, if you have the time, check yourself for lumps every day during your morning shower. Do not minimize the situation if you have found a lump in your breast. If you even remotely suspect that you have found a lump during self-examination, you should take the time to make an appointment with your trusted gynecologist. There are also several things you should look for in conjunction with a possible breast lump, including bloody discharge from the nipple. This is not a definitive sign of breast cancer, but it could be indicative of its presence. A gynecologist can determine what the cause of the lump and any associated symptoms is.

Blisters On The Vagina

While showering, it is also imperative that you also examine your vagina and anus for any painful lesions and open sores. They could be indicative of the fact that you are suffering from herpes or another form of STD. A gynecologist will usually examine the sores or lesions and then perform a blood test to determine what the source of these issues are. Your gynecologist can also help you recover from these issues by prescribing the appropriate anti-bacterial and anti-viral medications. If the issue is an STD, a gynecologist can help you articulate how you can inform your sexual partners.
